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What Logo Identity Works Best For Property Development

June 14, 2023

We explain why creating the right brand is a careful balance of strategy and logic blended with artistry.

Author | Paul Skuse, Oakfield Design & Creation

We explain why creating the right brand is a careful balance of strategy and logic blended with artistry.

In a recent branding strategy meeting for a new development I was asked a common question.

“Is a geometric logo, similar to those I generally see out in the marketplace, the best option or should we look for something different?”

To which I answered, “yes.”

And “yes.”

When it comes to creating a brand identity, the correct personality for a scheme, sometimes a geometric style icon above the name is the best option. This tried and tested method has proved very successful over the years for housing developments and because of this, developers now recognise the style as a safe and established method for building a scheme’s brand.

Then again, sometimes playing with the typography itself can be a more attractive option. A clever use of the typeface or internal styling within this font can be very impactful.

And then at other times, the cleanest, simplest style of brand identity can actually be strongest route. This ‘logotype’ format showcases just the name in a classic or contemporary type style. By stripping away any icons or other graphics we can create a strong, solid brand identity with a no-nonsense appeal.

But sometimes going ‘off-piste’ can be the most fun and most impactful for a development’s branding.

By creating an identity that buyers wouldn’t expect, yet fits perfectly with the scheme and location itself, we allow the development to stand out from the competition in the marketplace and create genuine differentiation.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ style when it comes to creating the right brand identity for a development. Consideration of the buyer demographics and the architectural style of the scheme should be brought into the creative process.

The branding needs to also match and reflect the personality of the area in which the scheme is located, whether it’s an urban or countryside location. Are we portraying an idyllic setting of somewhere being gentrified?

All of these moving parts need to be brought into the equation when asking ourselves what will actually work best. By marrying things together to create the perfect brief we then have the options in front of us that allow the right branding to match each development.

Resonance is key. Instant resonance.

Creating the right brand is a careful balance of strategy and logic blended with artistry. When this is adhered to the creative works at every level allowing the scheme to capture the attention of the audience within that first 0.3 second window when the ‘yes, this is for me’ decision, made subconsciously, in the buyers’ mind is made.

No pressure there then!

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