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How Decreasing Light Can Help Increase Desirability

April 3, 2023

Although they always look stunning in the sunshine, not every property development marketing CGI image or film needs to be lit as if it’s noon and a beautiful sunny July day.

Author | Paul Skuse, Oakfield Design & Creation

Although they always look stunning in the sunshine, not every property development marketing CGI image or film needs to be lit as if it’s noon and a beautiful sunny July day.

Yes, using gorgeous sunny conditions when creating house type or street scene exteriors and interior room sets works perfectly in showcasing a space or elevation and illustrating the desirability of certain spaces.

But sometimes the room or setting can be enhanced by moving away from the norm and showcasing with lower light levels or in some cases even night-time.

Bedrooms are a great first example. We spend almost our entire time in bedrooms when light levels are lowest. They are our sanctuary, a quiet place and when dressed and lit in such a way we can really portray the ambience and tranquillity of these spaces. We’re selling the lifestyle not just the room, painting a picture and an even more realistic understanding of the homes we’re marketing off-plan.

We can bring the same desirability to other living spaces also. Sometimes a cityscape view from an urban apartment’s living space can be more attractive at night. By moving from a cool urban vibe by day, to a calm sophisticated space by night, we can exhibit the best of a city location to hook into our demographic’s aspirational lifestyle.

Interior lighting has such an effect on our environments, sometimes even from the outside. At Charterhouse Yard we wanted to showcase how the timber slatted exterior window features enhanced the architecture as the sun dropped in the sky and day turned to dusk.

By taking the time to really focus on each room or elevation in detail there are times when we can use low light to really highlight a space to maximise its desirability in the viewers mind and drive enquiries.

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